Ben Simmons
Ben Simmons grew up in Columbus in Georgia, USA and studied photography and psychology at university in upper New York State. After completing a Master of Fine Arts in photography and art history on a fellowship at the University of Florida, Ben taught photography at Penland School of Crafts in North Carolina before travelling to Japan in search of adventure. Specialising in evocative graphic images for assignments, photo-essays, books and original prints.
Ben chose a shot that sums up his love for all things Japanese: "This one image contains a lot of things that I love about traditional Japanese architecture, Japanese gardens, and Japanese culture. Respectful visitors sitting on tatami mat flooring all crane their heads to see what the Hosen-in temple’s abbot is pointing to in the hondo main hall’s engawa corridor: bloodstained boards from a 16th century samurai battle at Kyoto’s Fushimi Castle, utilized in the wooden ceiling. The classic architectural design, with sliding doors removed, frames an elegant 700-year-old goyo-matsu black pine tree in the pristine garden outside."